Table for One

I eat out. A lot. Alone, mostly...mostly. There are three human requirements: sleeping, shitting, and eating. Eating is, by far, the most conducive to thinking, especially if you eat alone a lot. This is my place to share some of those ponderings, observations, and revelations that happen over a table for one.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Mushroom Steak and Veggies (damn diet)

Hi Everybody,
There is nothing more divine than travelling! After hitchhiking all over Honduras, and facing near death in a swollen river, and a million other stories, I am home. My computer, my bed, and food, real food, is mine again. I ate at the Greenhouse, the one with with waiter that has a crush on me. He gives me sideways glances and always brings me wine...depending on what I am eating, he knows what to bring. Tonight, along with my reflections on the Honduran diet- tortillas, beans, rice, bananas, and coffee, sans cream and sugar; and of course, thoughts of Stefano, I thought about a very special Thanksgiving dinner. Certainly the most memorable in this lifetime, thus far...
I was in college. I was broke. It was Thansgiving. I had nowhere to go. A dear friend called to wish me an ill-received "Happy Thanksgiving." "What are you doing today?" she asked. "Uhmmmm... well was thinking about going to this restaurant today, but I'm broke. " She asks the name of the restaurant, hangs up and calls me back. "You're all set, go eat!" she says." She had called the restaurant and provided her credit card number and paid for my dinner. There is nothing better in this world than filling a person's is the most basic of human necessities. Which is why I bought my friend, a Peace Corps volunteer, and my dearest college friend, every meal during my trip. She gave me so much more. The experience of Honduras...and hitchhiking all over the country...and realizing how difficult it is to live on $30 a month that the Peace Corps allots her.
In all, it was an unfair trade, with me being the beneficiary.
Thanks for reading.
~C. Huff


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